Sealants are a highly effective way to prevent decay and cavities on your back teeth, or molars. These teeth are the ones most commonly used when chewing food, and therefore they are especially susceptible to cavities when food and bacteria get trapped between them. Additionally, they are the hardest to reach and clean in our daily dental care routines. When the first set of molars emerges, usually between ages 5 and 7, and when the second set appears between ages 11 and 14, a sealant should be applied as soon as possible to protect your children from future cavities and potential resulting infections.
The process of sealant application entails an adhesive being applied to the molars, and then the liquid sealant essentially being painted onto the tooth. After the application, the sealant hardens to create a fortified barrier between your child’s tooth and plaque, food particles, and bacteria. These sealants last for around 10 years and if desired, can be easily reapplied for extended protection.
Mouth Guards
Mouthguards, help cushion a blow to the face, by minimizing the risk of broken teeth and additional injuries to your lips, tongue, face and jaw. Mouthguards cover the upper teeth and are a great way to protect the soft tissues of your tongue, lips and cheeks.
Mouthguards are essential if you plan on participating in sports…
- Hockey
- Lacrosse
- Wrestling
- Football
- Basketball
- Baseball
- Soccer
Altoona Family Dentistry can help you reach the highest level of comfort with a custom mouthguard fitted to your mouth.